Deal close, would contain $600 direct checks to citizens
The deadline is Friday to get both a COVID relief package and a spending bill done to avoid a government shutdown. Both look likely, but might stretch into the weekend.
On the COVID deal we see something that looks a lot like what Mitch McConnell pitched last week with one twist. COVID liability protection is out as is money for state and local governments but added in is another direct payment to citizens. However, this will be a $600 check and not $1200 like earlier in the year. This compromise allowed GOP budget hawks to agree to a beefier and elongated unemployment benefit.
Now all that remains is actually getting the deal done.
Which will happen.
AOC takes shot at Chuck, Nancy
Trump turns on McConnell after he recognizes Joe Biden as president elect

Top Biden aide under fire for calling GOP “f—-kers”
Repairing the soul of the nation.
Movement to recall CA Gov. Newsom picks ups steam
Get this COVID relief bill done? No problem! I used to bullseye womp rats smaller than this back home! - JUST ANOTHER PILOT
Mayor Pete is not the worst idea. Small city mayors know what our nation's roads look like and what it costs to fix them. I have been waiting for a real 'infrastructure week. Six million new 'manly, outdoor, dirty' jobs sound great right now. It could be like a modern CCC. Could Biden, through executive order, give rail priority to Amtrak? I once took a train from Chicago back to St Lois and it took seven hours. Never again! - SEAN
Honestly, I am not exactly sure that any of the cabinet posts beyond State and AG aren’t things that couldn’t be done by a hard-working detail-oriented person. Seems like a lot of plate spinning.
But also, screw trains. Or rather, screw American trains. They’re great in Japan. They’re fine in Europe. But sit down Acela corridor people, you are the exception to the rule. Take it to the quiet car.
I’m speaking to literally everywhere else in America. This damn country is too big. They take longer than driving. AND they’re expensive!
Trains are like the first real significant other you had in high school. Yes, at the time they were a proof of concept that someone, anyone could connect our massive frame. But eventually you realize they’re not very productive and they keep asking for money because they’re behind on their bills.
So are the Dems just trying to shelve Mayor Pete? No one goes from Transportation Secretary to serious presidential candidate. It just seems like they are taking a rising star and torpedoing his career. It also raises the question where do former Transportation Secretaries go? - J. D.
Pete isn’t going to be there long. It’s just a stash spot so he will be in DC when the next spot opens up. Whatever that is.
Regarding Pete going to China... is China hostile to gay folks? or is it not full Russia in that regard? I could look it up but I am on my work computer. - PAYNE
Got you, fam.
There seems to be a lot of folks who think Trump will end up in prison. It made me wonder if there were a trial at the end of every presidency, would any of the living presidents (or even the recently dead ones) do particularly well under that scrutiny? - KEN
A trial-themed finale. We tried that down here. Wasn’t satisfying.