Donald Trump will not be convicted, is it time to censure?
Kellyanne Conway posts underage nudes of daughter on Twitter?
If you thought Donald Trump would be convicted in his second impeachment trial, think again.
The majority of GOP Senators voted against the concept of a trial yesterday, all but sealing the fate of the actual trail due to end sometime in late February.
So let’s break this down for a second:
There is limited time for the Democrats to get anything done and a very slim majority to do it with
Failure to move on things like COVID relief, which were key parts of the races in the fall and more specifically in Georgia this month will be blamed on you when mid-terms roll around in 2022
You cannot even sniff the rest of your agenda until you get through COVID relief
Knowing all that, is it time to use the C word?
Tim Kaine thinks so. He is reportedly trying to work on a Censure bill that would bring some kind of consequence for Trump instead of yet another acquittal.
If you know nothing is going to come of this isn’t the wisest move to bail now and use the time better to your advantage. Even if your base is pissed, it’s an anger about the past. COVID is both the present and the future. Passing some relief now will ultimately win you far more credit than yet another fruitless swing at Trump.
The Democratic argument for spiking the impeachment trial
Hear a more detailed argument about the impeachment trial in the latest Px3. Also, Jack Allison joins us to talk about the state of the progressive left, comedy under Biden, the hilarity of Hillary and Bernie's non-threatening meme transformation.
Kellyanne Conway accused of posting topless photos of daughter on Twitter
Marjorie Taylor Greene liked comments discussing execution of Democrats
Social media was a mistake.
Sen. Leahy taken to hospital
Leahy is set to preside over the impeachment trial in February.
Justice Department rescinds “zero tolerance” policy
I got lazy for a few days and just read the last six or so newsletters so I'm gonna give my general take on things. There's crazy people on both sides. I'm one of them. America stays somewhat balanced because on both sides people want to hang somebody on the other side but there's not enough of them to actually do it. The right has a military fetish and walks around the capitol with riot gear while the left wants billionaires to get killed so their money can be distributed. We're all a little crazy, just different kinds of crazy. The real victims in America are the moderates. - KIM G
DAVID's letter gave me an idea for a game. The game is called "Rewrite the news as if Biden were Trump."
* Biden's answer to violent BLM Portland protest? Adding S. Africa to travel ban.
* Biden's abuse of power. Uses executive power to reverse Trump policies.
* California reopens it's cities during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic endangering the lives of its citizens.
and this one from DAVID's letter
* Biden bans travel from S.Africa proving he's a racist along with all his supporters
Hmm... Forget it. I realize now this is the type of game the news media has been playing all along. - ABE NORMAL
Part of this is media focus, although Fox News and AM radio has done a pretty effective job of blowing some stuff out of proportion like liberal outlets do with conservative presidents.
I’m glad the transgender ban has been lifted. It was a bad decision that aged poorly, to say the least.
Separate thought: why on earth would you enact change, other than under extenuating circumstances, via a system that allows your successor to undo that change with a single signature? Don’t seem like a great way to build a legacy. - MATTHEW
Executive orders are to legacy building what crash dieting is to weight loss.
I have mixed feelings about eliminating the legislative filibuster. Once it's gone it's gone.
Unless Dems can pass legislation that makes everyone's life a lot easier by November 8, 2022 it's very likely the GOP will win back both houses. Hell, they'll probably get them back no matter what.
Schumer said they can only do Reconciliation twice between now and then. They better make it count. - GARY
COVID relief is one of them. What do they use the other one for?
All the blue states deciding to open up the week after Trump leaves office might be a coincidence, it sure makes all the people saying blue states were trying to ruin the economy so Trump looks bad look right. - JACOB
States should be opening up more than they were in the December as infection numbers are subsiding and vaccines are being administered. The problem has always been that lockdowns in some states (coughCALIFORNIAcough) were put in with little or no transparency and befuddling loopholes to begin with.
The Oregon GOP one upped Arizona. Will the RNC ever come out one way or another? If that happens does the party tear in two? - SEAN
It’s state parties… they work themselves out.
But what if the MyPillow CEO was the Paul Bearer the whole time? The similarities can’t just be coincidence. - DANIEL
I saw Mike Lindell in the Trump press pen a few weeks ago. He was always surrounded by a posse and seemed very happy.
Just want to toss out that I think a governor that has done a good enough job to at least get a C is Chris Sununu in New Hampshire.
Things have never been quite as locked down as our neighbors to the south, but our cases have also never spiked in the same way.
Our vaccine rollout seems to be going smoother than other states, with what seems to be fairly reasonable timelines on when people
can expect to get vaccinated. That seems to be at least worth a C to me. - RYAN
Marjorie Taylor Green represents my hometown. Even some conservatives on my feed seem to regret her. Not enough they’d ever consider voting for someone even slightly left of Strom Thurmond of course. But I get the feeling they want their representatives less vocally crazy at least. - RICHARD
That level of politician tends to need the moment to be a little hectic. If we enter into calmer waters some of the “WE SHOULD BE YELLING!” crowd will just seem annoying.