Half of America is holding its breath, the other says it’s an overreaction. Either are sure they’re right.
As you read this at least 25,000 national guard are in Washington D.C. to protect a capital which will inaugurate the 46th president of the United States this week. Due to the raging pandemic, there wasn’t going to be a crowd anyway. But the overprotection makes the spectacle even more suspicious. What are they bracing themselves for? They must know something we don’t.
The chastened right, sees it differently. Sure 300 assholes did asshole things. Throw the book at them. But man, liberals sure love making a heroes out of cops and asking for military intervention when it suits their political causes, huh? If this is what a sliver of chuck of a movement can do, what would happen if there was real organization?
“Wait!” says the liberal. Don’t you dare move past what happened two weeks ago! Look at it!
You will sit in that mess until you learn.
Meanwhile law enforcement gives us further reason to splinter. The FBI said last week they had evidence to suggest attacks on all 50 state houses. My initial reaction was to think that they were covering their ass because we had no previous warning from the FBI on January 6th. But you can’t blame those those who believe that we are in our last days of blissful ignorance before a militia takes a state capital and we get a standoff that makes Waco look like a gentle fireman extricating a kitty cat from a tall tree.
After all, the FBI will have warned us.
Meanwhile, there is another split amongst our union beyond party lines. Half of America believes we are already in a Cold Civil War, fed by callow politicians and a media desperate for traction.
Half of America is holding its breath, the other says it’s an overreaction. Either are sure they’re right.
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Manhattan DA expands probe into Trump organization
Genuinely curious how much traction these stories get now that Trump is no longer in the White House.
Biden’s Day One executive orders

How the pandemic ripped California’s economic classes apart even further
It’s not great, Bob.
Harris will resign from the Senate on Monday
To the guy who kept emailing me pointing to Harris not leaving the senate as a sign that we still have room to rumble on the election. Here ya go.
I know this is unlikely, but what if the House held onto the Articles of Impeachment until after the midterms? The Democrats could use it as something to run on to energize their base and to try to mitigate their losses. Or maybe even win some seats. "We need more Democrat Senators to get rid of the Orange Man once and for all!" - JASON
I'm working on a conspiracy theory because lord knows we don't have enough of them.
You know that old gag where you get back at a nosey, paranoid neighbour whos always spying on you by purposely acting suspiciously? So you go out wearing trenchcoats and false moustaches holding briefcases full of shredded newspaper until your neighbour self implodes convinced you're a Russian spy.
I guess on the internet, they call that trolling.
But my gosh those Kraken believers were pretty convinced they saw a Kraken. - KEN
Let me rant about one little topic: the irresponsible tendency of liberals to throw around the term “fascism” (always applied to Trump or Republicans of course). Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Any fair analysis fails to match this definition with either Trump or Republicans. Granted, Trump seems to have a dictatorial personality (not an unusual trait in the heads of companies). But his actions in re government are arguably the opposite of promoting “a centralized autocratic government” or “severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”.
In fact I would argue that the policies of Democrats and liberals come much closer to matching those characteristics. And that is what has caused conservatives and libertarians to oppose them for decades.
But, what the hell, let the piling on and demonization continue! What have facts and logic ever had to do with politics, anyway? - DAVID
If I, someone further left than the average democrat, stormed into the capitol because AOC or Bernie said something incendiary for months then Trump wouldn't show me or them mercy. He would spend months making sure that anything he has in his power is used to end their careers and my life. I understand the point J.D. is making but people want blood. If you don't give it to them then they'll feel they need to take it and we'll start the cycle over. End Trump through legal procedures as hard as possible now because if you don't it's something else you'll never hear the end of. - KIM G
Do you think Q might be Steve Bannon? - GARY
Bannon would never spend that amount of time working on something he couldn’t monetize.