Nancy BLINKS! Tells Mitch to make bipartisan deal on COVID!
Mark Kelly joins the Senate
Pelosi urges Senate GOP to adopt $900+ billion framework for COVID relief
Biden has signaled that he’d like a deal done before he gets in and he will push for another deal after. While the bipartisan framework refunds some key programs like PPP it doesn’t do direct payments to citizens and is a full three TRILLION less than the bill passed in the House.
Will Cocaine Mitch go for it? I think we’re closer than we have been but it depends on what else Nancy asks for when it gets to the House.
Trump likely to announce 2024 run before
CDC reduces recommended quarantine by seven days in effort to spur compliance
The gulf between what our public health policy is and what Americans are likely to do is something we need to have a long, hard conversation about when this is said and done. For example, the CDC is saying that people are more likely to quarantine after possible exposure if they know it’s for a week and not two weeks. More to the point, the seven days they are shaving off (while ideal) doesn’t cut down on spread enough to warrant people refusing adoption.
This feels far more like realistic policy and not just pretending we live in Sim City and then throwing up your hands when your perfect plan doesn’t work.
Germany extends lockdown into January
Government warns it might not be able to continue to pay business to stay open through the duration.
Mark Kelly sworn in to Senate
Is there any word on what’s going to happen with Kamala’s Senate seat? Is it pretty much a given that another Dem will take her place? - MY MOTHER, GLORIA YOUNG
Yes. A Democrat will take her place the only question is who it will be. California Governor Gavin Newsom (a close ally of Harris as they both come from San Francisco city government) will be filling the seat and there is already some jockeying to see who it will be.
Early favorite is Alex Padilla, but there is also a push to send a woman of color to replace a woman of color in the Senate. Maybe Gavin can hash it out over another dinner at the world famous French Laundry while ordering more businesses closed?
I have a weird feeling that it’ll be London Breed, the current mayor of SF. She has the same taste in food as Gavin.
Trumpism is a response to “Cultural Marxism?” From whom, Obama? With his one slightly less capitalist healthcare plan? Or Hillary, who both sides were sure would ramp up military imperialism? Or Bernie, a lot of whose voters switched to Trump? - RICHARD
When, if it doesn't come to placing federal judges, has McConnell not been AWOL? If you're hoping for COVID relief, I don't see it happening as long as he is still the senate majority leader and there is a majority Democrat house. Massive recipe for not a damn thing to happen.
I'm looking forward to Trumpists not re-electing the republican senators in Georgia just because they didn't tow the line. - BRIAN