tl:dr… made a podcast, tells the story of people who trusted us, it’s good, they like it, subscribe and help?
There is a trust fall that happens for a source of a story.
In truth, the thing that separates a good journalist from a great journalist is personality and reputation. The innate human instinct that recognition matters and the repeated, reliable execution on those principals. It allows a great gift from writer to confessor, the source can read/hear/view themselves the way the world does.
In the realm of news reporting, things are obviously more complicated than that. But I haven’t had that job for a while. These days when I’m not randomly yelling my opinions on different podcasts I scratch my storytelling itch with shows like Raise The Dead and World’s Greatest Con.
Which brings us back to trust.
Trust is what Banachek and Mike Edwards showed to World’s Greatest Con when they entrusted us to tell their side of the Project Alpha story. That story is our new season available wherever you get your podcasts. But also subscribe on Apple if you can, it helps our numbers.
Here is the elevator pitch:
Two teenage boys arrive in St. Louis. They are the subjects of an academic study funded to the tune of $4 million (in 2023 money) and they immediately impress. The academics in charge believe them to be psychic. They can bend metal, move objects and see images sealed in envelopes.
These results are coveted in the world of parapsychology, something taken very seriously by various research institutions and the military.
But, of course, the boys aren’t psychic. They are magicians out to prove a point. A point that will eventually bring the ruin of the laboratory and everyone involved with it. Something that the boys, now men, have lingering regret about to this day.
Episodes 1 and 2 for this season are out now. The rest will come out every Monday until we are done.
This is the hardest I’ve ever worked on any podcast. Interviewing Mike and Banachek, working with the face and soul of WGC Brian Brushwood on the writing and then of course the editing and production.
It’s been a long road. I’m proud of it. But also, who cares about me… Teller loves it!
I implore you to follow Teller’s lead and listen to our first two episodes.
If you like it, please tell a friend. Social media is fine, but that tends to be noise. The thing that helps us the most is you making a human connection to someone you think would like this and saying “Hey, have you heard about this? I think you’d dig it.”
As I type this we are in the top 20 of all History podcasts on the Apple charts. The further we get into the top 10 the more we will register on their larger charts as well.
You can help that, but to be honest… it has to be soon. Momentum multiplies in this game and we have the pedal to the metal right now.
While the road to get here has been long and I hope for this show to be heard by as many people as possible… I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I am already at peace with the product. Mostly because Banachek and Mike like the show. They said it was accurate and compelling.
We are very, very glad we could reward their trust.
Thank you all. Now that this is done I hope to write more here as well.