I’m not sure if you need to read this… but consider it a blanket reassurance.
You are going to be okay.
The inauguration will be boring, even by inauguration standards. The FBI warning about 50 statehouses being under threat is likely a preventative measure. Hell, Sunday night the local news followed up that tidbit by talking about increased security in Sacramento despite there “not being a specific threat to that statehouse.” Did the FBI not share the information? Or are we just using random message board musings as a reason to say there have been threats to every statehouse?
There are larger problems in our culture. Trust needs to be forged anew. Unheard voices need to feel a part of something larger. But none of that can be fixed immediately.
I’m getting into the weeds on this. Let me say it again.
You are going to be okay.
The only way we can rebuild trust is acknowledge the break. Now, wait! I’m not teeing up a “love thy neighbor” sermon. I’m not even saying you need to find humanity in those you politically disagree with.
This is about you. The one who is going to be okay.
Joe Biden ran on cooling the national temperature. I have my thoughts on how he will run the country, but if some of you reading are truly worried about a civil war then I will enthusiastically co-sign that statement.
We are going to be okay because we want to be okay. The internet reminds us on a daily basis how small we are to the universe. How much we don’t control. In the past we felt more empowered. Or at least more secure. We can take that knowledge and move forward.
Look around you. See your stuff. Your work. Your friends and family. You control your relationship to all of them. You control what you put into the universe on politics or otherwise. You control your tone. You control your resolve.
The sun will come up on January 21st. And you know what… you should get ice cream. Get ice cream before noon. Eat ice cream on the 21st. Eat ice cream if you love Joe Biden and wish him the best. Eat ice cream if you think the next four years will be nothing but Hunter Biden snorting the entire U.S. treasury.
Eat ice cream before noon to mark the occasion on January 21st.
The presidency will have clicked forward for the 46th time.
And you? You’ll be okay.
Because we need you and you don’t have a choice.
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Trump schedules exit from DC on Wednesday morning, skipping inauguration

Biden to cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit on first day
Giuliani will not be a part of Trump’s impeachment defense in Senate trial
If Trump is going to survive this without being barred from running for office again his defense will have to be sober enough for Republicans to get behind it. So basically, none of this…
The descent of Trump
Jonathan Swan of Axios has a great gossip series on Trump from election night until inauguration. Yeah… this guy…
The best is this chapter as Trump shifts his view from his campaign staff which are trying to focus on series path to victory (hope for narrow wins in GA and AZ and then challenge in WI) to the conspiracy minded crew of Rudy and Sidney Powell.
Including this nuggets
Trump had Giuliani on speakerphone, and Giuliani, seemingly unaware of Clark’s arrival, was trashing the campaign staff's legal strategy in Georgia — and floating a debunked conspiracy theory about rigged Dominion voting machines.
"Hey, I've got Justin in here," Trump interrupted. "What do you think, Justin?" Clark laid out the legal process in Georgia and told the packed Oval Office that Georgia state law barred requesting a recount until after an election is certified.
"They're lying to you, sir!" Giuliani erupted.
"We're not lying," Clark shot back. "You're a f——ng a——le, Rudy."
David might have had a point about fascism if Trump hadn’t just spent months before and after the election de-legitimizing the peaceful transition of power, culminating in an actual (albeit somewhat weak) attempt at “forcible suppression of opposition.” - RICHARD
With Biden heading into office let the changing of the COVID narrative begin... this sickens me frankly. The manipulation of the populace through fear is disgusting and this is only the beginning. My bet is that the case count will soon drop off and restrictions will ease rapidly in blue states( like New York) because Biden’s inauguration killed COVID... - ANDREW
I’ve read some stats that show Biden’s 100 million vaccinated in 100 days is likely to be hit based on the clip we are at now. But it will be curious if the narrative is that Joe “turned it around” to hit that number. Then again, the nature of the office is that you get credit when anything goes right because you are sure gonna get blamed for everything that goes wrong.
Will the Senate force the turnover of the January 6, and earlier, daily intelligence reports? I'd love to see the attack spelled out. If it wasn't in those daily reports then we need to slash the intelligence budget. The PX3 Discord was sourcing direct posts from various social media showing the planning of the attack. If we could find this, I want to know why the feds didn't do anything. How long until the next congressional 9/11 or Bengahzi commission. At the very least congress could institute some changes in security protocols at the direction of DOJ, DOD, and the Treasury (secret service). - SEAN W
Surprised we haven’t seen a call for this…
When you say "either are sure they're right" do you mean both sides are sure or neither side is sure? - CUJO
I’d be interested in a discussion about Executive Orders. Seems like this is a work around for the Exec branch to legislate. And it seems like it is getting used more and more. Is it just that I pay more attention now, is there something to it? Can’t remember if you’ve talked about this before. - JIM
Yeah, I don’t think we are even close to the breaking point on EOs either.
Where is all the outrage at the national guard protecting DC when everyone was saying that having the national guard protect people's property when cities were being burnt to the ground was an overreaction. - HALF NORMAL
Just my opinion but at least some of the internet needs to be a public forum. It's an oddity that the centre square of town could have a speakers corner with maybe 50% complete nutters ranting about the wrong colours of plaid coming from demon possession, but now that we have the internet with searching, all the different sites, and channels etc, we are incapable of ignoring the guys ranting stuff we don't like. Don't like the show: change the channel. Don't ban the channel from existing. To the practicality of it: I don't know that it'd be found legal for courts to force Facebook, or Reddit to not censure, though their are definite pushes for them to have such policies (and legislatures such laws). However, I also don't see how it can be considered non-discriminatory to let say a far left group rant about meat being murder and border line calling on burning down slaughter houses, while banning far right groups calling abortion murder and border line calling on burning down abortion clinics. You can only agree with one side or the other, but I don't see how you can pretend both an section 230 sense, but also in a "I'm moderating a "public" discussion board/debate" sense that picking one side to censor and the other not isn't discriminatory and/or censorship/editorial control. - MIKE