
Yovanovitch testimony, Roger Stone found guilty, The History of Ukraine, Kamala cracking?

- Is Marie Yovanovitch a super compelling witness or just someone really upset that she was fired from her dream job?

- Roger Stone is found guilty and someone in Trump World takes a victory lap.

- Interview with Professor Matt Pauly about the history of Ukraine and some wild stories about being in Moscow during the fall of the Soviet Union.

- Kamala Harris' campaign is leaking and that might herald a visit from the Campaign Undertaker

- Mailbag including one challenging why I have encouraged the press to name the whistleblower

Bloomberg Running? A Review of the Warning Reviews and Debate Threshold Nerd Talk

Wait, is it for real this time? Bloomberg is rumored to be filing paperwork on a 2020 run. We bring in Jo-Ellen Pozner to discuss the NYC mayor and his chances. The New York Times and Washington Post got advanced copies of the Anonymous Senior Trump official book Warning, we review the reviews. And finally a chat about the Democratic Primary debate threshold with Debate Tracker (@TrackerDebate) which is awesome because Justin found someone more obsessed with them than he is.

First reaction to Beto quitting, Warren's Medicare For All, Rise of Populism

GONG! Hear Justin's first reaction to the news that Beto O'Rourke is no longer running for president. Is the Impeachment Process meddling with the 2020 Primary more than anything Trump could do in Ukraine? How Warren's opponents will attack her Medicare for All rollout. An interview about the rise of populism with Joe Lownz co-author of "Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-wing Politics of Precarity". Mailbag!

RIP H. Ross Perot - Interview with Brian Brushwood

Brian Brushwood is a podcaster and YouTube star but back in 1992 he was a volunteer for Ross Perot's landmark bid for the presidency that netted him 19% of the popular vote. He joins us to talk about Perot's political achievements, his insane life and if we will ever see anyone like him again.

"What is a political consultant?" - Interview with Adam Sheingate

Our guest is Adam Sheingate he is the author of the book Building a Business of Politics: The Rise of Political Consulting and the Transformation of American Democracy. We discuss the economy of political consultants, how important they are, what they do day to day and how they get hired.

Also, Justin goes off all crazy and confronts a professional who wrote a book on the subject if consultants seduce rich people into running for office so they can cash a paycheck.